
Friday, November 22, 2002

The premier edition of Campos arrived in my mailbox yesterday. This is the magazine of the Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianny in Campos, Brazil. I haven't yet had time to read it, but looking through the pictures is a bit like turning the Catholic clock back to 1950, only the facial features have changed. The Apostolic Administration has 2 bishops, 11 parishes, 140 chapels, 26 priests, 30,000 faithful, 100 nuns, 11 schools, 3 homes for the aged, 11 clothing and food distribution centers, 2 orphanages, and a seminary with 20 priests in training. One of the candidates for the priesthood has never attended a Novus Ordo Mass even once. Campos is located four hours by car from Rio de Janeiro. Carrie

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

The last time I tried to publish in this blog, I couldn't do it. The post I tried to publish is still here on my edit page, and the edit page claims it has been published, but alas... So I'm going to try this again and see what happens.

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